Many different types of weed seeds are available for sale in various seed banks and catalogs. Some strains are well known and offer a variety of known characteristics and effects, while other strains can be untested and unknown. The quality of your weed seeds, the quality of your growing environment, and the quality of your light cycle will all play a part in determining the success of your weed plants.
Seeds will usually grow as a clone of the parent plant. As your plant grows and flowers, the seed will also grow, mature, and flower. This process is known as seed germination. The two different ways that seeds germinate are through an embryo and through the process of splitting or cleaving. An embryo grows from the seed after it is planted, whereas a cleaved seed will germinate and grow from the surface of the seed. For best results, you should plant cleaved seeds.
For best germination, weed seeds should be planted in seed starting medium. The media used for seed starting should be sterilized so that seeds can be planted safely and successfully.
Once your seedlings have germinated, you should repot them into smaller containers. This will make them easier to grow. When repotting, choose the type of soil based on your plant's needs. Some weed plants prefer a mix of peat moss and vermiculite, while others prefer vermiculite.
You'll want to fertilize your seedlings frequently, and keep the soil moist during the first month. As the plants grow, you should water the soil sparingly and use an aquarium pump for optimal watering.
When you feel your plants are ready, you should remove the pots from the indoor light and place them in the open air for an hour or two before placing them back in the pot. The plants can stay outdoors in their new pot and grow longer and healthier for a while, until they can be moved back into a grow tent.
When growing weed outdoors, you can control the temperature of your plants to a degree. Some strains need a specific temperature and sunlight to flourish, while others like to grow in a very high temperature and low light environment. If you're planting outdoors, you'll want to keep the plants in a location that will allow them the optimal conditions for their needs.
When they're ready, you can transplant the plants into larger pots, and give them more nutrients. After growing for a few weeks, you can start the process over again and grow another round of plants.
In this way, you can continue to produce a steady supply of weed plants. If you're interested in growing your own weed, look for information about the different seed banks and catalogs available for purchase online.