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#1 Posted : Monday, February 20, 2017 7:41:45 AM(UTC)

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How wrong words can lead to war michael kors outlet online

Words can be said that give offence to the wrong ears, and the result can be the fall of empires, or the wiping away of complete nations. The words that get written down are most frequently the ones that cause the most trouble, as the written word provides a more permanent record than just the utterances that come from the mouth. Sentiments that find their way onto official correspondence are the ones that have the most fatal effects as official declarations can bind governments for good or ill, and are less easy to rescind without loss of national face, or diminution of national honour.

In this article I want to remind my readers of two documents that have had very serious consequences in the history of our race in the last one hundred and fifty years. Indeed the second of my examples is exercising a malign influence on world affairs even as I write this. The first set up such an intensity of bitterness between two respected European countries as to lead to two world wars. There was no great love lost between those two countries, probably a result of the earlier depredations of the French during the Napoleonic wars, and France under Napoleon III was particularly sensitive to the notion that the rise to power of Prussia might threaten what it regarded as it's leading place in European power politics. michael kors outlet

At this delicate time in international relations a vacancy occurred for the throne of Spain and the German prince Leopold of Hohenzollern Sigmaringen was invited to become king of that country. This alarmed the French as they felt that this could result in their being surrounded by governments that were sympathetic to the Prussian cause.

Prince Leopold withdrew his candidature. This was regarded in Prussia as a diplomatic defeat. The French were however not completely satisfied and they sought assurances from the Prussian government that no German candidate would be put forward in future. michael kors canada outlet

King William I of Prussia was a pleasant and courteous old gentleman. On the morning of 13th July 1870 he was taking a morning stroll in the spa town of Ems when he was approached by the French ambassador Count Benedetti.

This was not in order to give him some Ferrero Rocher. On the contrary he presented the king with a demand from the French government that a Hohenzollern prince would never again be presented as candidate for the throne of Spain. michael kors clearance

The king refused to give a categorical assurance of policy in the indefinite future, and the two men parted rather coolly. michael kors handbags outlet online

This is the text of the king's despatch. I rejected this demand somewhat sternly as it is neither right nor possible to undertake engagements of this kind [for ever and ever]. Naturally I told him that I had not yet received any news and since he had been better informed via Paris and Madrid than I was, he must surely see that my government was not concerned in the matter". michael kors wallet

Otto Von Bismarck who was the Chancellor of Prussia was a very wily politician more than capable of manipulating events to gain what he saw as advantage for his policies. He was known as The Iron Chancellor. Right now he believed that a short victorious war with France would be "Just what the doctor ordered". However he wanted to have the French start it, so they really had to be provoked beyond what they felt their national honour could endure. With the object of "Waving a very red rag at the French bull" he made some alterations to the telegram before submitting it for publication. michael kors handbags clearance

This is the text of the telegram that was published. His Majesty the King thereupon refused to receive the Ambassador again and had the latter informed by the Adjutant of the day that His Majesty had no further communication to make to the Ambassador".

The change in the wording of the despatch had the desired effect, as it gave the impression that the king had insulted the ambassador by refusing to see him again, and furthermore the French took exception to what they regarded as the serious affront offered to their representative by sending a "mere adjutant" to convey the King's message. michael kors factory outlet online

The result was that there were demonstrations in France demanding war, which Napoleon III rather foolishly declared. France was roundly defeated. The German Empire was declared in The Chateau of Versailles. Alsace and Lorraine were annexed to Germany. The resultant resentment against Germany contributed greatly to the tensions that lead to the First World War. michael kors outlet

"The Balfour Declaration". The defeat of the Ottoman Turks was considered to be an essential war aim of Britain and her allies. To this end it was believed that an alliance with the Arab people who occupied the greater part of that land would be very advantageous. Negotiations were begun between the British and Hussein, The Sharif of Mecca, and a great leader among the Arabian people. It was understood by the Arabs that if Britain won the war that an Arab kingdom would be set up that included Palestine. The Balfour Declaration scuppered that idea. michael kors canada sale

The Jewish people who had occupied Palestine in antiquity now amounted to about ten per cent of its entire population, but there had been a movement among a minority of Jews agitating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It was a bit like the idea that the Welsh, who are descendants of the Ancient Britons, might demand a welsh homeland in England. The Welsh were pushed out of England by The Anglo Saxons around the same time as The Jews were displaced from Palestine. Anyway it was decided at the highest levels of The British Government that it was essential to keep the Jewish financiers behind the war effort also, even if that meant doing the dirty on the Arabs. This policy was based on the erroneous, and somewhat anti Semitic belief that the Jews controlled the purse strings of the world. michael kors online outlet

The result was The Balfour Declaration issued on November 2nd 1917, the text is reproduced below. It was issued in the form of a letter between British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour and Lord Rothschild to be communicated to the leaders of The Zionist Movement. michael kors wallet canada

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country". michael kors outlet canada

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Seldom before or since has such a short letter had such baleful consequences for world history. It encouraged mass emigration of Jews to Palestine during the period between the world wars. This resulted in the displacement of a large proportion of the indigenous Arab population, and the eventual establishment of The State of Israel, (the definitive Cuckoo Country).

Further to these consequences it has embittered relations between the west, and particularly Britain, and the Arab world ever since.

What it meant was that a country that had no right to a territory promised occupancy of it to another people who had no right to it, against the wishes and the interests of the people who actually lived in that territory. michael kors canada
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